How to Write SMART Goals in Sales

Nov 08, 2023

If you're on the hunt for a way to streamline your goal-setting process and craft actionable plans to consistently crush your targets, then you've stumbled upon a gold mine.

Statistics show that a whopping 92% of goal-setters end up missing the mark year after year. And guess what? I was one of them! Why? I was setting goals left and right without a clue about how to set the right ones or how to map out the path to achieve them.

But then, I stumbled upon this framework, and today, I'm passing it on to you. It completely revolutionized my sales career. I went from failing miserably in sales to being the number one rep at Salesforce, to then leading a startup at the age of 25, helping them have a nine figure exit, become a chief revenue officer at the age of 33, and retire from the game at the age of 34 to do this.

The framework I'm dishing out today is the SMART goal-setting framework. Now, this isn't something I cooked up on my own. This dates back to the1950s, and has been evolving and maturing over the decades. I'm not here to reinvent the wheel. I'm here to show you how I've mastered it. 

Let's dive right into it. Before we dive into SMART, there are a few things you should do as a warm-up. First off, get crystal clear on your purpose. What do you want to be remembered for? What's the legacy you're aiming to leave behind? What's your calling on this planet?

Next, you need to paint a vivid vision of your life. Use all five senses to create a pull that keeps you going, even on the roughest days. Once you've laid out your vision, it's time to pick your goals. I call these your "musts" or non-negotiables.

Now, all the nitty-gritty on these exercises can be found in my other videos, so if you're keen to deep-dive into those, I've got you covered. This prep work is your compass for picking the right goals at this stage of your journey. After that, it's all about milestones.

And this is where the SMART goal-setting framework steps in. So what's SMART? It's an acronym, folks. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound. 

Specific: Your goal should be straightforward and simple. Complicated, convoluted goals are your worst enemy because complexity kills execution. Let's take an example from the sales world. A specific goal might be to increase your average deal size by $100,000. Simple, right?

Measurable: This is the "M" in SMART. Can you measure whether you've achieved the goal? It should be black and white, like a yes or no question. Your measure should be objective, not subjective.

Attainable: The "A" is for attainable. Is your goal realistic? If you're a sales rep with an average deal size of $25,000 and your company's average is $50,000, aiming for $125,000 might be a stretch. You want your goal to be a stretch but still achievable within a specific timeframe.

Relevant: The "R" is for relevant. Your goals need to align with your purpose, vision, and "musts." If you're in sales but aiming to transition into customer success, increasing your deal size may not be the right goal for you. It should fit seamlessly into your bigger aspirations.

Time-bound: Last but not least, the "T" in SMART stands for time-bound. You must have a deadline for when you'll achieve your goal. Otherwise, you're lacking accountability and a sense of urgency.

So, let's put it all together with an example: "I want to increase my average deal size by $100,000 in the next six months." See how it's specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound? Perfect!

Now, here's a common mistake to avoid: setting goals you can't entirely control. For instance, aiming to get promoted is awesome, but it's often beyond your control. Instead, think about the factors that lead to a promotion, like being the top performer on your team. You have more control over that.

So there you have it, folks. Leverage the SMART goal-setting framework and then map out the daily rituals you need to follow to achieve those goals. I'll delve into that in another video, so stay tuned. By following this framework, you'll be on the path to sales success in no time.

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