How to Grade Your Cold Calls

May 31, 2024

Hey Savages,

Do you find yourself consistently missing quota? More often than not, the culprit is a lack of pipeline. And what lies at the heart of this pipeline deficit? It often boils down to one thing: the execution of your cold calls.

Today, I'm here to arm you with a powerful tool – an objective framework to assess and elevate your cold calling game. This framework isn't just any old method; it's the very same one I've employed as a Chief Revenue Officer to skyrocket my team's conversion rates by a staggering 50%.

Why does this matter? Because the true magic happens in the trenches – it's about refining your approach call after call until you're a force to be reckoned with in the sales arena.

So, let's dive into the nitty-gritty. Here's a step-by-step breakdown of how to self-assess your calls, from that crucial initial connection to handling objections like a seasoned pro:

Getting to the Conversation: Master the art of those critical first 30 seconds to boost your chances of securing that all-important conversation.

Executing the Conversation: Learn how to uncover pain points and leave prospects eager to take the next step with you.

Ensuring Meeting Attendance: While booking meetings is a win, ensuring attendance is the ultimate goal. Nail your show-up rate with our handy checklist.

Handling Objections: Turn objections into opportunities with our comprehensive guide to effective objection handling.

Sounding Like a Pro: Discover the intangibles that set top sales professionals apart and avoid coming across as overly salesy in your conversations.

Avoiding Discovery Calls: Don't let your cold calls morph into lengthy discovery sessions. Stay laser-focused on your objective.

Once you've assessed your calls, simply tally up those yeses and nos to determine whether you're a Savage, Champion, Professional, or Amateur. It's as straightforward as that.

Now, let's be real – mastering these skills won't happen overnight. But with dedication and consistent practice, you'll soon witness your results soar.

So, here's the game plan: carve out a weekly session to review your calls, lean into the discomfort, and watch yourself grow.

Ready to elevate your cold calling game to new heights? Click here to watch the full video where I dive deep into the strategies outlined in this post and snag your copy of the scorecard.


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