Finding & Landing Your Dream Job

Sep 07, 2023

Step 1: Define Your Dream Job

Let's start by recognizing that we're not just talking about any job; we're talking about your dream job. Why? Because settling for anything less can lead to unfulfillment and missed opportunities. Here's why it's crucial:

Sales Reps Falling Short: Approximately three out of four sales reps are currently missing their quotas. This isn't necessarily due to their lack of effort; often, they're simply in the wrong role from the beginning.

High Turnover: Sales reps face a high turnover rate, with about 30% to 40% changing companies each year. It's not a matter of if you'll need to look for a new job, but when.
Low Employee Engagement: A recent Gallup survey from July 2023 revealed that a staggering 85% of employees aren't fully engaged at work. This means that a significant portion of the workforce isn't aligned with their purpose or mission, resulting in unfulfilled lives.

So, this isn't just about finding any job; it's about discovering your dream job, one that energizes you and aligns with your life's purpose and mission. Let's dive into the three-step process to help you achieve this.

Step 2: Building Your List of Target Companies

The first step in finding your dream job is to build a list of target companies that align with your criteria. This isn't a random list; it's a carefully curated selection based on what you need and want in your career. Here's how to do it:

Write Your Job Description: Start by creating your own job description. Consider where you are in your career and what you need at this stage. This may include coaching, a supportive environment, or specific types of roles. Define the role you want, such as account executive or account manager. Think about the CEO you want to work under; their leadership sets the tone for the company. Consider the type of boss you'd thrive under, your preferred product to sell, the stage of the company, the company's culture, and your desired compensation.

Use the Right Tools: To build your list of target companies, leverage free tools like Crunchbase, LinkedIn, Glassdoor, RepView, and G2. These platforms provide insights into company size, stage, culture, and leadership, helping you identify potential matches.

Leverage Your Network: Your network is a valuable resource. Connect with people who can provide insights about specific companies, leaders, and work environments. Don't hesitate to ask for referrals and recommendations.
The goal is to create a list of 25 to 50 companies that fit your criteria. Remember, quality is more important than quantity. A well-defined list will serve as the foundation for your job search.

Step 3: Landing Your Dream Job

Now that you have your target companies, it's time to take the next steps in securing your dream job. Keep in mind that this process requires a proactive approach, just like in sales:

Outreach: Reach out to hiring managers and decision-makers within your target companies. Be creative and stand out from the crowd. Don't aim to secure an interview immediately; instead, focus on initiating a conversation to qualify the opportunity.

Qualify the Opportunity: During your initial conversations, assess whether the opportunity aligns with your dream job criteria. Is it the right role, with the right leadership, product, culture, and compensation? The goal is to mutually determine if it's worth proceeding to the next step.

Interview and Negotiate: If the opportunity aligns with your criteria, proceed with the interview process. Ace the interviews, but don't forget the crucial step of negotiating the offer. Negotiation involves more than just salary; it includes benefits, equity, territory, and more. Ensure that the offer meets your expectations and is fair.

By following these steps, you'll be on your way to landing your dream job, one that energizes you and aligns with your purpose and mission.

Stay committed to your criteria, leverage your network, and be creative in your outreach. With determination and the right strategy, you can turn your dream job into a reality.

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