How Core Values Help You Sell More in 2023

Oct 03, 2023

I've got an exercise for you that's been a game-changer for me and countless successful individuals across various professions. But I get it, not many people are excited about this exercise. It's all about defining your core values. So, I'm going to break it all down for you - what core values are, why they matter, and how to do this exercise using the 50-10-3 method. And as a bonus, I'll even share my own core values with you. So, let's dive right in!

Why Don't People Do Core Values?

First off, let's address why many folks shy away from the idea of core values. For most of us working in companies, our only experience with core values is those often meaningless words displayed on office walls. Let's be honest, most of those words are rarely lived by the company. So, it's no wonder we hesitate to apply them in our personal lives.

But here's the kicker: when you do identify your core values and live by them, they become incredibly powerful. Just look at successful companies like Salesforce, who've thrived by embodying their core values. The same principle applies to individuals. Core values are defining words that align with your identity. They're non-negotiable aspects of your life that should evoke emotions. If someone challenges these values, it should stir something deep within you.

Why Should You Care About Core Values?

Life is a whirlwind, and you'll face countless decisions. Having a set of guiding principles can make a world of difference. Core values act as bumpers on your decision-making path, helping you make choices faster. Successful people make decisions rapidly because they learn from them and iterate. So, with guiding principles, you'll become more productive and achieve higher limits.

Moreover, core values keep you on the right path. They simplify your world. Without them, it's easy to stray off course. Think of core values as a compass guiding you through life's chaos.

How to Identify Your Core Values: The 50-10-3 Method

Now, let's get practical. How do you pinpoint your core values? Here's the 50-10-3 method:

  1. Prepare a Distraction-Free Environment: Find a place outside your usual surroundings. Parks, coffee shops, or libraries work well. This exercise requires self-reflection, so eliminate distractions.

  2. List 50 Meaningful Words: Write down 50 words that resonate with you. Google can help if you're stuck. These words should evoke some emotional response. If a word doesn't immediately connect with you, move on.

  3. Narrow It Down to 10: Compare each of the 50 words to one another. For example, if you have "integrity" and "work ethic," decide which one matters more to you. Continue this process until you've identified your top 10.

  4. Finalize Your Top 3: Repeat the same comparison process to select your top 3 core values. These should be words that deeply align with your identity.

Remember, core values evolve over time, and that's perfectly okay. What's important is that you embark on this journey of self-discovery.

My Core Values: Execute, Evolve, Enjoy

Now, let me share my own core values as an example:

  1. Execute: This word means taking control of things within my power. It encompasses how I handle my body, reactions to challenges, communication, and more. I execute because it's a fundamental part of my identity.

  2. Evolve: Constant self-improvement is crucial to me. Whether in my career, emotions, relationships, or finances, I strive to get better every day. Evolution is a core part of my identity.

  3. Enjoy: This one took time to embrace. I realized that no matter how much success I achieve, if I don't enjoy the journey, it's all in vain. Celebrating small milestones, practicing gratitude, and cherishing each day have become priorities for me.

Remember, these are my values; your core values should reflect your unique identity.

Defining your core values offers clarity and helps you navigate life's challenges. They're like your personal guiding principles, aiding you in making faster, better decisions and staying on the right path. Core values are dynamic, evolving as you do, so don't be afraid to revisit them periodically. Start with the 50-10-3 method, and you'll be well on your way to discovering the values that define you and lead you towards success and fulfillment.


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